Break the Cycle Through Our Addiction Recovery Programs in Essex County, NJ

CURA, Inc. offers support to individuals trying to overcome substance abuse. Through our addiction recovery programs in Essex County, NJ, and nearby areas, we help them heal so they can take control of their lives and break free from destructive habits.

For more information about our programs, please contact us. We’d be happy to answer your questions.

2020 PREA Annual Report

We go above and beyond to help ensure a safe environment where individuals are protected from sexual assault and can focus on recovery. See the latest PREA Annual Report for accurate data about incidents of sexual abuse.


The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) was enacted to address sexual abuse and sexual harassment in federal, state, and local institutions. PREA supports the elimination, reduction, and prevention of sexual abuse and sexual harassment by establishing a zero-tolerance policy within our prisons, community confinement facilities, and local jails.
This report covers data on allegations reported from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. CURA, Inc. is committed to providing a safe and secure environment free from all forms of sexual misconduct and retaliation. CURA, Inc. has developed a policy and procedures manual that helps us to meet the PREA standards. Our organization utilizes all available resources such as residents, staff, vendors, and visitors’ education and training, notifications, propaganda, and orientation sessions to ensure compliance with PREA standards.
CURA, Inc., RCRP facility, received the PREA initial certification on September 28, 2015. The agency met all standards, which demonstrate our strong commitment to our zero-tolerance policy to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual abuse and harassment.


The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) requires data to be collected and reviewed on sexual abuse and sexual harassment incidents annually. CURA, Inc. analyzes the PREA data to assess and improve the effectiveness of its sexual abuse prevention, detection, response policies, and training.


Substantiated – Investigation determined that the allegation occurred.
Unsubstantiated – Investigation determined incident may have occurred, but there was insufficient evidence to prove the allegation.
Unfounded – Investigation determined incident did not occur.
On-going Investigations – Investigation has not been completed.

PREA Incident Types

2020 PREA Data Results

There were zero (0) PREA incidents reported during the stated time frame. Any allegations are referred for investigation to the New Jersey Department of Corrections, Special Investigation Division (SID).

Total Incidents

Allegations of Resident-on-Resident Sexual Abuse

Allegations of Resident-on-Resident Sexual Harassment

Allegations of Staff-on-Resident Sexual Abuse

Allegations of Staff-on-Resident Sexual Harassment


The data presented in this annual report demonstrates that the total number of PREA incidents remained steady during the last six years with zero (0) sexual misconduct incident reports.
It is our responsibility to maintain a commitment to a zero-tolerance policy for sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Our agency will continue making efforts to provide the best possible environment for residents, staff, volunteers, and vendors. CURA, Inc. continually strives to ensure the safety of all residents.